Catherine (Betsy) Elizabeth Goin

Profile Updated: October 2, 2010
Catherine (Betsy) Elizabeth Goin
Class Year: 1960
Residing In: Warrenton, VA USA
Yes! Attending Reunion
Senior Statistics from the Year Book

ECHO Staff 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Science Club 3; Dramatics 1, 2; Tri-Hi-Y 1, 2l Band 3, 4; Library Ass't. 1; F.T.A. 2; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; Monogram 3, 4.

Did you go to college, if so, which one?

College of William and Mary

What was your first job / career after high school?

Flight Attendant for United Airlines for 39 years.

Are you retired?


Have you owned your own business? If so, what was it, where was it and a little about it.

Just this week started a home-based business

Do you have any hobbies or special interests, if so, what are they?

Painting, writing, playing the flute and the guitar, exercising and walking

Have you been involved in any Community Clubs or Activities, if so, which ones?

Mainly involved in church activitiesI

Give brief explanation of your life for the last 50 years.
(ie special trips, careers, places you have lived, any special events in your life or your families life.
(AN AHA MOMENT!!!!!!!!)

I lived in Seattle, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles Hawaii and San Francisco. I retired in 2003 and I just started a home-based business.

Catherine (Betsy) Elizabeth's Latest Interactions

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Nov 14, 2014 at 9:17 AM

Hi Molly, Have a wonderful birthday and many more of them, both happy and healthy. Cheers, Betsy Goin

Jun 26, 2014 at 9:17 AM

Hi Richard, Have a wonderful birthday, and I hope you have many more happy and healthy birthdays. I am learning to play the guitar and the mandolin. I wish I had started when I was young like you. It is so difficult to learn at my age. Still it is fun. Cheers, Betsy

Jun 11, 2014 at 1:31 PM

Hope you got my birthday wish a couple of days ago. I am computer challenged. Anyway, have a wonderful birthday and many more happy and healthy birthday.

Jun 08, 2014 at 7:35 PM

Mary Lou, many more happy and healthy birthdays. And I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a present Happy Birthday. Betsy Goin

Jun 09, 2014 at 10:07 AM

Posted on: Jun 08, 2014 at 7:34 PM

Hi Richard, Glad you have made it another year. They are going by quite speedily, and I want to take advantage of having the ability to wish you a very happy birthday and my sincere prayer that you have many more happy and healthy birthdays. Betsy Goin

May 15, 2014 at 7:52 AM

Hi Bernice, Have a wonderful birthday and I wish many more happy and healthy years. Betsy

May 15, 2014 at 7:50 AM

Hi Bernice, Happy Birthday and many more happy and healthy more. Cheers, Betsy

Aug 16, 2014 at 11:52 PM

Posted on: May 09, 2014 at 8:31 AM

Happy Birthday Sue, and I hope you have many healthy and happy more of them. Who would have ever thought we would be this old. Every one looks young to me now. See you around town. Consider "gentle yoga" at the Warf. Cheers, Betsy Goin

May 08, 2014 at 7:05 AM

I guess I will have to get with it and learn how to post pictures online. First I need to figure out how to use my camera. Cheers,

Apr 28, 2014 at 8:03 PM

I am two months older than you, and cannot figure why you are the class of 59 and I am the class of 60. Help!